Discussion of Issues for Brock Township and Durham Region
Discussion of Issues for Brock Township and Durham Region
I believe it is extremely important to keep lines of communication open and flowing between Council and the residents as well as individual members of Council and residents. One of my goals as Mayor of Brock Township will not only be to restart the regular business breakfasts with The Mayor but to enhance them. Such meetings should not only be an opportunity to update the local businesses of Township projects and work which affect them but to also seriously take the concerns of local businesses back to Council for action. Issues should be followed up with businesses through direct communications after meetings.
In addition to meetings with businesses it will be important to hold meetings for input from residents. Such meetings can take different forms. They can be informal sessions where an official quorum of Council is not present or they can be dedicated Council meetings where residents can speak to the full Council on matters of their choosing.
Residents and businesses need to be seriously listened to more than once every four years at election time. Council members do not have an exclusive franchise on knowledge and ideas. We need to constantly be listening to our residents. While Council does have advisory committees that is no reason not to listen to the ultimate advisory committee...... our residents.
It's not just communications..... it's consultations.
The last four years have seen property tax increases averaging about 1.28% per year (after adjustments for assessment growth and streetlighting charges). This Council brought in a ZERO percent tax increase in its first year and very low increases in the following three years. We kept service levels in place or improved them and started a number of new initiatives.
We have to concentrate on our core responsibilities as a township. Roads are a vital part of our local infrastructure. They require work and they require some rehabilitation ASAP. As I've said before, we can't keep spending money fixing the same problems year over year and we owe it to our residents not to stick them with gravel roads which kick up dust and create potholes on a regular basis.
Residents of Brock, especially those on our concessions, don't have to be told about the struggles this year for decent roads to drive on. It has been a constant struggle for everyone this year to have many sections of our concessions in decent states of repair. All members of Council have heard from the public and many members of Council have experienced these roads first hand.