A Very Big Thank You!

The end of a long election cycle in Brock has come and I am very proud to have been elected the next Mayor of Brock Township.  I am humbled by the exceptional showing of support for my campaign and I wish to thank all of those who gave me their support and assistance in this election.

Elections are a sacred trust bestowed on us and everyone who took part is to be thanked for exercising their right and duty to be part of this democratic process.

It has been some time since a Mayoral race in Brock has resulted in such a decisive win and I take the responsibility that comes with that very seriously.
I want to thank my family who has helped me during these past months and for putting up with me during this campaign.  A campaign can be a very long and tiring process on everyone involved including the family of the candidate.  I also wish to thank the hard working staff at The Township for managing an excellent election process.

I want to congratulate my opponents Ted Smith and Ryan Williams for stepping up and putting their names forward to serve their community.  I am confident that both of these gentlemen will continue to serve their communities in the years to come even if it is not on Council.  Even if you did not vote for them they are to be thanked and appreciated for everything they have done.  Both of these men put themselves out there for public scrutiny in the hopes of improving the township in which they live.  That is a noble effort and one that is to acknowledged.

I want to congratulate the other members of the upcoming Council whether they were acclaimed or elected.

I look forward to providing leadership to this fine group of people who, for the next four years, will help make Brock Township an even better place to work, live, and play.  My goal is to have this upcoming Council as one of the most open, productive, and efficient Councils Brock has ever had.  We will not always agree but we will debate the issues.  We will engage the public.  We will act in the best interests of our township and constituents.

But let’s face it.  We are all human and we will stumble periodically along the way.  But I pledge to you that as a Council we will acknowledge our shortcomings.  We will acknowledge our mistakes and we will learn from them.

I look forward to getting to work both in Brock and at The Region of Durham.  We have many issues to address and high expectations from our constituents.  I pledge to do everything I can to meet those expectations and address the issues at hand.

Lastly, this Council must work to improve the disheartening voter turnout in this election.  While it appears to be a province-wide issue we must do whatever we can to improve public participation.

Again, thank you for your support and the mandate you have given me and this term of Council


Campaign lawn signs will be collected this week


ABOUT Walter Schummer